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Coronado: The New Evidence explores one of the longest-standing
archaeological mysteries in the United States — the land route taken by famed
explorer Francisco Vázquez de Coronado, who from 1540-1542 attempted to
find vast wealth and fame while traveling north from Mexico. Through the
intrepid and tireless work of Arizona-based archaeologist Dr. Deni Seymour, we
now know where Coronado's expedition first crossed into what would later
become the continental United States.
Frances Causey (Director) cut her professional teeth in the early days of the
world’s first 24-hour news network, CNN. In the trenches at CNN, she met lifelong
friends and colleagues who exemplified the value of hard work and integrity.
Together, they won National Emmys for the live coverage of the Oklahoma City
and Olympic Park bombings.Causey has been fortunate to direct documentaries
for television and theatrical release, including Heist: Who Stole the American
Dream?, The Long Shadow, Is Your Story Making You Sick?, Final Fight: When the
Trauma of War Comes Home and Coronado: The New Evidence, among others.
1:45 PM 1hr-18min
THE POWER OF STONE is a documentary film about notable stone artist Lew French, who
splits his time between his home on Martha's Vineyard and the house he designed and built
in the mountains of Brazil's Atlantic Rainforest.
Lew French may first appear as unyielding and imposing as the granite he works with, but
beneath this artist’s rigid exterior is a dedicated naturalist, a father mourning the loss of his
son, and a deeply spiritual man committed to the concept of karma. Despite waking up at
4am to meditate every day, Lew struggles to quiet his mind. In stone, Lew seeks that which
he longs for: stillness. As one of Lew’s friends puts it, “Don't be tricked by the idea that he's
a stone mason. He's sort of a philosopher, artist, spiritual guide who's working with stone.”
Barbarella Fokos is an author, emcee, television host, award-winning
columnist, humorist, journalist, and an Emmy Award-winning producer.
As the voice of Salt and Sugar Productions, Barbarella combines her
passions for humanity, art, storytelling, travel, and filmmaking.
David Fokos is an internationally renowned photographic artist and an Emmy
Award-winning director. His work has been the subject of over 60 solo shows,
and can be found in a dozen galleries on three continents, as well as in scores
of museums, and prominent corporate and private collections.
Salt & Sugar Productions is a boutique creative documentary film production team and multiple award
winners in the fields of television, journalism, film, and art. We specialize in creating luscious and
compelling documentary-style films that express the passions and philosophies that people have for
their work. The honest authenticity and visual elegance of our long and short films engage viewers and
connect you with your audience.
Learn more about Barbarella and David and their films at
3:30 PM 95-min